WOO HOOO!!! More free monies are on the way!! Another 13 weeks of checks while I sit around and smoke my bong and play PS3....Thanks G-DUB...In all seriousness though. It's tough economic times where I live and there are absolutely no job postings in the classifieds. It is a tough market here. I know a few people who either quit there job to try there own luck in starting a business or have moved from another state to live here and now they are unable to find work. These people are not elligible for unemployment benefits...so how do they survive? What happens when OBAMA gets into office and starts bringing home all the troops from war and they are now looking for work or there old job is here waiting but the man or woman filling in for them has to be let go...It's gonna be ugly. I say brace yourself for some of the hardest and longest bad economic times to come. By the way. I'm off to work. Not eligible for that free money. Damn!
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