What in the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS is happening to our country? I wonder if our soldiers, who are so brave to fight for our freedoms, even realize that we are not the same country we used to be. It will be a totally different nation once they come back from serving in the war. How can we as a nation keep bailing out all these companies? What happened to fair competition? If a company runs corrupt or makes bad choices should it not fail? In my lifetime I have seen companies come and go and when one fails, there is another person waiting to take position and get there chance at being successful. It sickens me to know that we are going to be responsible for all this debt. I'm sure the rich CEO's and Presidents of all these companies in failure have to be shaking in their boots. What will happen if they do not get there multi million dollar salaries and bonuses? Who else would hire them...They have run GIANT companies into the ground with there excellent decision making. I'm tired of going out there and busting my A$$ so that people like our dear Messiah, errr our president elect, "Barack Hussein Obama" taking our money and spreading the wealth as they see fit. Sick of it!!!! Come on America only 7 years ago did we get attacked by a mastermind named OSAMA BIN LADEN- very similar to our new presidents last name of OBAMA, and for the past 2 decades did we want to end the regime of Saddam hussein because he was a force of evil...Now we elected a president with the same middle name as Saddam's last name. Are we ignorant? Or are we being infiltrated with terrorists from within, in a big mastermind to bring down America to its knees. I must admit...until now I didnt pray as much as I should have. But I now feel very strong need to.
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